Russian OSB market research

MarktforschungAugust 2008RusslandLesprom Network
Lesprom Network
 Analytical report
Russain OSB market research
 Description review
Currently, the Russian OSB market is a quickly developing one. This is due to a general growth of economy, increasing purchasing power, changing customer demands and booming residential and, in particular, frame wood construction, which utilizes OSB and is the main OSB consumer in Russia.In Russia, OSB's are almost entirely consumed by construction (over 98%) and, to a much less significant extent, by production of furniture and machine building.The governmental forestry and customs policy encourages the development of high-level processing of timber. 
Language: Russian;
Date of issue: June 2008;
Number of pages: 44;
Quantity of tables – 11, quantity of figures – 15;
Type of document: Electronic document;
Price of English version : 10000 EUR.
Key Conclusions
1. Product Description
2. General Description of the OSB Market Situation in Russia
3. OSB Import to Russia
4. OSB Consumption in Russia
5. Impact of the Governmental Forest Policy on the OSB Market
6. Projects of OSB Production in Russia.
7. Status of the Low Rise Residential Housing Market and the Construction Industry in Russia
8. Situation in Russia's Woodworking Industry and Veneer Wood Market
9. Forecast for OSB Supply and Demand in Russia
Contact information
Tables and figures
Table 1. Countries supplying OSB to Russia
Table 2. OSB imports by Russia's region
Table 3. Corporate suppliers of OSB to Russia
Table 4. Largest OSB importing companies in Russia
Table 5. Russian export duties on timber, Euro per cubic meter
Table 6. Projects for OSB Production in Russia
Table 7. Selected indicators of the development of the Russian economy in 2008 (% of the corresponding period of the previous year)
Table 8. Residential housing commissioning in Russia
Table 9. Numerical dynamics of Russian families by income level
Table 10. Structure of Population by Income and Eligibility for Mortgage Loans, 1st quarter of 2008
Table 11. Veneer wood output at largest woodworking companies, thousand m3
Fig.1: Statistical customs value of OSB imports to Russsia,thousand dollars
Fig.2: Volume of  OSB exports to Russia,thousands cubic meters
Fig.3: Average statistical customs value of  OSB imports in the 1st quarter of  2008,dollars per cubic meter
Fig.4: Shares of countries in the volume of  OSB export to Russia in 2007
Fig.5: OSB  imports by Russia's region in 2007
Fig.6: Corporate OSB suppliers to Russia in 2007
Fig.7:  Amounts of mortgage loans granted (source: Central Bank of Russia)
Fig.8: Veneer wood output in Russia in 2002-2007,'000 m3
Fig.9: Glued wood output in Russia (by quarter),'000m3
Fig.10: Russian's regions importing veneer wood
Fig.11: Countries importing  Russian veneer wood
Fig.12: Average OSB-3 price development from December 2007 to April 2008, RUR/m3
Fig.13: Average veneer wood price development from December 2007 to April 2008, RUR/m3
Fig.14: Middle term OSB consumption forecast in Russia: 2 Scenarios, '000 cub.m
Fig.15: OSB output forecast  in Russia (without impirt and export), 2 Scenarios, thousand m3

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