地点 俄國 665932, 伊爾庫茨克州, Baykalsk, lyudyanskiy r-on, Promploschadka,Tsentr
Of "the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill" is located on the southern coast of the lake. Baikal in the Irkutsk region Slyudyanskij area, 150 km from Irkutsk and 1.5 km east of the residential development of Baikalsk. The industrial zone of "Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill" has an area of 748.4 hectares.
Construction of the plant was completed in 1966 and was due to the acute need of the domestic industry in high-quality heavy-duty cord pulp, used in particular in the defense industry. Technology of production of pulp cord at this time included the use of a large number of ultra-pure water, which explains the choice of the location of the plant.
When you create a company have been used the most advanced technology and equipment, as well as unique facilities for wastewater treatment. Being constantly in the focus of environmental and public bodies, the plant with the assistance of specialized research institutions to improve the system of sewage treatment facilities, sludge processing, maintained a high level of production technology.
The city emerged as the city of Baikalsk at pulp mill, industrial infrastructure which is closely linked with the urban community services. In addition to the formation of the municipal budget, the plant provides the city with electricity and heat, hot and cold water, fully implementing its socio-economic development.
The population of Baikalsk is 14.95 thousand people, including the working-age population - 4134 people., Of which 1680 people. employed at the plant. Maintenance activities of "the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill" offers nearly as many jobs in the city, as well as on the primary production.
At present JSC "Baikal Pulp and Paper" runs one thread design capacity of 100 thousand tons of viscose pulp at 50% load.
The main types of commodity products by JSC "Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill" - kraft softwood pulp of various grades. The plant can produce sulfate pulp bleached and unbleached, as well as sulfate softwood viscose.
Consumers of goods and services of "the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill" are companies of chemical industry and factories for the production of paper and cardboard, both in the domestic market and abroad.
In recent years, major foreign consumers of Chinese steel mill company. Marketing policy of "Baikal Pulp and Paper" on the Chinese market is aimed at working closely with those customers who are interested in developing cooperation with the company not only in trade but also in scientific and technical cooperation and investment. With the plant cooperate largest manufacturers of viscose staple fiber, that of "the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill" supplying viscose cellulose.
The development of "the Baikal Pulp and Paper" comes from the reality of saving the pulp and paper industry provides employment core of the workforce and supporting financial, material and social infrastructure of the city, as well as the objective conditions under which the plant can not be without a job to perform a complex of recreational activities on the Elimination of sludge- lignin accumulated in the previous period of the enterprise.
So far, comprehensive studies carried out to test the technology for production of bleached kraft pulp schemes ECF (Elemental Chlorine Free) and TCF (Totally Chlorine Free) with a maximum closed-loop water cycle. The results are a prerequisite for the development of viscose pulp bleaching technology for TCF or ECF scheme with closed-loop water cycle in relation to the JSC "Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill," which will create an environmentally sound company, has minimal impact on the environment.
On materials of the past few years of observations we can conclude a stable chemical composition of the effluent plant. On admission to the Lake Baikal is a multiple of dilution, so the chemical composition of water in the pelagic zone (zone of the lake water mass is not located in close proximity from the bottom) of the Southern Baikal remains unchanged for a long time.
Implemented at JSC "Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill," a unique system of treatment plants to reduce the content of pollutants to a minimum. Results of wastewater treatment in the last 7 years are evaluated by international experts as meeting the requirements of the European Union within the framework of Directive 96/61/EC on integrated pollution prevention and control of the environment.
JSC "Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill" today - a company that consistently implementing the Development Strategy, which includes the modernization of production and execution of the Environmental Action Plan, the creation of new jobs, a policy of social partnership.
JSC "Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill," is once again becoming an effective city-forming enterprise, seeking to produce quality products that are safe for nature and people.